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The Zhang Jiagang Sino-German Skills Teaching and Practicing Base:  On April 15th 2013, the Sino German Skills Teaching and Practicing Base was jointly managed by Zhang Jiagang Secondary School and bbw Education Group. In September 2013,this newly established center and bbw’s East Brandenburg Vocational Education Center in Germany signed a projectcooperation agreement, which outlined a joint collaboration on three projectsin the field of mechatronics, CNC machining and automotive engineering. SinceOctober 2013, these two centers have developed and implemented identical programs for mechanical and electrical professional training. This international collaboration has resulted in a unique and valuable learning experience for students in both Germany and China, and has met the employment needs of Zhang Jiagang on a productive new level.

The Signing Ceremony between Zhang jiagang secondary school and German bbw Education Group

The Opening Ceremony of the Zhang Jiagang Sino-German Skills Teaching and Practicing Base

Virtual training base

The Dongguan Technician College and Study-Oriented Factories:

On April 25, 2014, the Dongguan TechnicianCollege in Guangdong and the bbw Education Group signed a contract for the joint construction of study-based factories and training centers in China. Two electromechianical and CNC study-oriented factories were subsequently established by Dongguan Technician College, promoting the idea that working is learning and learning is working. To expand upon this point, the “jobs” offered by these factories were designed to simulate realworking positions in real operations. The opportunity to work in this simulatedenvironment is invaluable to students, as it provides them with hands-onexperience in their field of labor, and cultivates their ability to solve the technical problems and management issues that arise in their line of work. Additionally,study-oriented factories are designed to strengthen the student’s learningabilities and social skills in the workplace.

The Dongguan Technician College and German BBW Education Group

The Opening Ceremony of The Dongguan Technician College and Study-oriented Factories

TheSino-German Vocational Training Center in Suzhou New District:

On September 19, 2014, bbw Education Groupsigned a strategic cooperation agreement with the Administrative Commission ofthe Suzhou High-Tech Industrial Development Zone. The agreement sought toimprove teaching standards and promote an industrial transformation in Suzhou’sHigh-tech Zone through the introduction of German teaching methodologies.Concurrently, the bbw Group and Suzhou Vocational Technical Schooljoined forces to establish the Sino-GermanVocational Training Center.

            At present, this training center focuses on preparing students for a professionalcareer in the fields of mechatronics and CNC. The bbw Education Group introduced a teaching plan to this center thatwas created in accordance with the German Dual System. Studying under thisGerman standard, students are expected to hone and focus on their practicalabilities. At a later stage in this training, the school will introduce the standardsof DIHK to test-level students. Those who pass the examination will receive therelated certificates.

Rudong German Vocational and Technical Training Center:

In June 2015, the German bbw Education Groupand a branch of the Jiangsu United Vocational and Technical College conducted a signing ceremony for thedevelopment and management of new training schools in China. Through thiscollaboration, we further introduced the standards of German vocationaleducation to students in China.

According to the Director, Mr. Li Jianguo, this new system of education not only meets the needs of German-ownedcompanies, but also improves the overall quality of teaching in Rudong. He hopes that other local schools will take this opportunity to study and explore how the German educational system can strengthen their teaching methodologies as well.

The Wuxi Public Study-oriented Factory and Training Base:

On June 25, 2015, the German bbw EducationGroup and Wuxi City Training Center conducted a signing ceremony for the development of study-oriented factories in thepublic training base of Wuxi. Mr. Gu Xuenian, the Deputy Director of People Club Bureau, and Mr. Bodo Teubert, the president of the Chinese branch of German bbw Education Group, attended this ceremony. In September of this same year, the study-oriented factoriessponsored by the Wuxi Training Centerand bbw Group were constructed,offering professional courses on CNC machiningIn response to high demand, theWuxi Learning Factoryis planningtooffer long and short-term courses for university students and business employees in 2016. All graduates who pass examinations will receive acertificate issued by bbw Group and Wuxi Training Center.

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